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Pharmacist FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions for Pharmacists on Naloxone Dispensing



The State Health Director’s standing order authorizing pharmacists to dispense “FDA-approved naloxone products used in accordance with approved directions,” listing those products and directions, and directing pharmacists that “product selection should be made based on patient preference, availability, insurance coverage, and other pertinent factors” is found here:

That order includes the list of FDA-approved naloxone products, but those are also listed here:

Additional resources for safe and proper dispensing of naloxone products are found here:

Pharmacists, please note that the statewide standing order signed by the North Carolina State Health Director does not expire. It will be renewed upon change in the State Health Director or updated if any relevant information regarding naloxone administration becomes available. If local standing orders specify an expiration date, they should be reviewed and updated in accordance with the order.



Q: What is North Carolina's law on dispensing naloxone under a standing order?

A: As pharmacists are aware, North Carolina law permits the dispensing of naloxone pursuant to standing orders. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has put together an FAQ document that walks pharmacists through utilization of the statewide standing order, signed by the North Carolina State Health Director. Board staff encourages pharmacists to review the document found here.




GUIDANCE FOR PHARMACISTS ON NALOXONE DISPENSING AND DISTRIBUTION.  As pharmacists know, the past three years have brought substantial change to North Carolina law governing the dispensing and distribution of naloxone.  These changes, intended to increase access to naloxone for vulnerable patients and caregivers, are often the subject of inquiries to BOP staff – particularly concerning North Carolina law authorization for certain organizations to distribute naloxone.  Amanda Fuller Moore, NC DHHS Division of Public Health Pharmacist, has coordinated with DHHS officials and BOP staff to produce this guidance chart, which pharmacists will find helpful as they develop their approaches to naloxone dispensing and distribution:




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